MPs call for Cable action


Cornish MPs have asked the Business Secretary the Vince Cable MP to intervene to restore the European Regional Aid which had been suspended this week.

Local MPs Andrew George (St Ives), Stephen Gilbert (St Austell & Newquay), and Dan Rogerson (North Cornwall) have asked Cable to intervene to make sure that projects which do not require UK public sector aid to be given the go ahead and for those which do need UK public aid to be offered guarantees about their future.

George said: “This affects the £100 million New Generation Broadband project which is acknowledged to be vital and transformational for Cornwall’s future. The project would be funded by European and UK public sector match contributions and should not be stopped pending the Comprehensive Spending Review which is planned to be published on 20th October.

“Delays to this and other projects could prove fatal.”

Rogerson added: “This brake on spending seems to have originated with officials in Government departments who do not understand what is at stake. Vital schemes which are so crucial to the economic development of Cornwall cannot be held up in this way. Of course the Government needs to review its own spending, but it must not delay European and private investment in our region.”



  1. So it looks like the meal ticket is drying up at last.
    As you would expect those with their fingers deepest into the till are squealing the loudest.

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