Households embrace green energy


Households in Cornwall and the south west are leading the way in the UK when it comes to tapping into the benefits of renewable energy, according to recent research from the Government’s energy watchdog Ofgem.

Happy Energy CEO Adrian Wright
Happy Energy CEO Adrian Wright

A report following the launch of the Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) in April has revealed that homeowners in the south west are embracing renewable energy opportunities in the shape of biomass boilers, solar thermal and air and ground source heat pumps, more than any other area of the UK.

And according to Adrian Wright, CEO of Cornish renewable and energy efficiency company, Happy Energy, the region’s drive for renewable energy in the UK is not only good from an environmental perspective, but is good news on the jobs and investment front.

He said: “The Government has committed itself to hitting targets to produce 15% of all domestic energy through renewable sources by 2020. To help achieve this, it has created initiatives such as the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) which sees households installing renewable energy measures such as domestic biomass boilers receiving regular payments over the next seven years which for larger semi-detached properties could be as much as £20k.

“The fact the south west is leading the way in installations in the UK is not only good environmentally but the more households look at the benefits of renewables, the knock on effect could be major job creation in the region and millions of pounds coming into the county in RHI payments.

“It makes complete sense to harness energy from alternative sources rather than rely on fossil fuels which are becoming more expensive every year in increased energy bills which has seen the region become one of the highest fuel poor areas in the UK, so for us to be leading the way in the UK is fantastic.”