CUC site profiles research projects


The Combined Universities in Cornwall (CUC) has launched a new website profiling more than 60 research projects currently underway at the partner institutions.

Jo Garrett, student working with Falmouth Harbour Commissioners, monitoring frequencies of underwater noise caused by maritime activity in Falmouth Bay

The new site features the CUC Research Programme, a £6 million project that has received £4.5 million of investment from the European Social Fund. The current programme includes the delivery of 40 PhDs – each a collaborative project, involving at least two of the CUC partner institutions and a Cornwall-based business.

Profiling past, current and future projects, the website includes details of the work researchers at the University of Exeter, Plymouth University, University College Falmouth and the European Centre for the Environment and Human Health are undertaking with local businesses to develop knowledge in themes relevant to the Cornish economy.

One of the featured projects involves FabTest in Falmouth Bay. Harriet Knowles, maritime sustainable development officer at Falmouth Harbour Commissioners, said: “The Commissioners are delighted to have a PhD student linked with FabTest investigating underwater acoustics.

“The knowledge, understanding and expertise we can gain through this work is very important for the development of the marine renewable energy industry in Cornwall and further afield.”

As the projects progress, CUC will be looking at how the research can be exploited beyond those involved initially, to bring benefit to the wider Cornish economy.